Saturday, November 21, 2009

field trips and skulls, my two favorite things

This past Tuesday we went on our field trip to the bodies exhibit and the MIA. I had never been to anything like the bodies exhibit so it was really interesting to see. I had envisioned what it would look like but there was so much more. Everything had so much detail and there was an abundance of information, the information was almost overwhelming at times. I thought the section with the nerves was really intense, to think that we have that many nerves is unreal. I also thought the nerves looked very beautiful, especially the ones that contained the red and blue nerves together, visually very appealing. The section that i remember the most was the part with the fetuses, it freaks me out to think of something growing inside of a person. I liked the part where they showed the size the fetus would be at certain weeks. It amazes me how much the fetus grows in such a short time.
At the MIA, i love going up to the third floor to check out the Chuck Close and the other contemporary artists. Another piece that i had never seen was the Kehinde Wiley, on the second floor. The Wiley piece is placed with all the traditional paintings which is extremely interesting and fit quite well with the traditional artists. I loved his painting of the figure, his ability to foreshorten the figure is amazing and is beautifully done. There was also a new exhibition by Michael Kareken, which looked extremely interesting. They were still putting up the exhibition but what they had looked promising.

On Thursday, we started drawing the skull. I was interested in learning how to draw the skull. I think it went pretty good, i am still struggling with cross contours. I am starting to understand the structure of the skull, at least it seemed to be going better. We drew the skull twice, each for an hour and 15 minutes. I think it helped to draw the skull for a longer time period so I could concentrate and not feel rushed.
Below are the two drawings of the skull.

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