Being that I had never had any life drawing classes, I felt inexperienced from the start. Though I don't know what I am doing, I am still ready to learn and to grow.
The first day, I had no idea what to expect. When we first started doing the 30 second drawings, it reminded me of a keyboarding class I had taken in high school. In the keyboarding class, I felt anxiety, hoping to not make mistakes and to "keep up" with my peers. I felt the exact same in life drawing on Tuesday. I understand that it takes time to become good at something but at the same time I feel the need to be good at it right away. Hopefully, with time, I will be able to understand the human body and be able to draw the human body.
On Thursday, I thought "Okay, I can do this and maybe even be better at it than last time" but on the contrary, I felt as though I had gotten worse. Time seemed to be slipping away and there was nothing I could do to get better. I found some help when Josh did a demo of how to draw the human body. Drawing that way I felt that I was getting somewhere. When we did the half hour drawing using cross contours of the body, I had trouble doing it but I understood what to do, it was just hard getting it to look correct. It will really help when we start working on the mannequins.
For the homework over the weekend, drawing the shell using only cross contours, I had a lot of problems. I went over each line several times, erasing and redrawing quite a bit. After working on it for a couple of hours, I still felt like it was just alright, I still have a loooong way to go.
The first picture on the top is one I did in class after Josh gave us a demo. The second picture on the bottom is of the shell that was the assignment over the weekend.